News Archive

Sunday 18 May 2008

Animals to Join Humanist Society As Honorary Humans?

A fierce battle broke out at an area Humanist Gathering this week over whether or not animals could become humanists.

Arguing for the case, John Petty said that animals show no religious characteristics and should therefore be allowed to join. However, Beverly Hintt said that since animals are not human, they cannot be humanists. John responded that humanism isn't about being human but an attitude. At this point, Beverley threw her shoes at John before throwing herself at him. Her hands had to be forcibly from his neck as he turned purple.

After much bloodshed, it was decided that animals may join the Humanist societies but only as honorary humans.

Pinky the hamster is likely to be the first ever non-human humanist on record.

Vice Chair Patrick Osbourne decided not to raise his question over what to call alien beings who do not believe in a deity.