News Archive

Sunday 18 May 2008

Area Humanists Implode Over Who's Right and Wrong is the Right Right and Wrong

A singularity now exists where there once stood a town hall after a debate among area Humanists who couldn't decide who was right and who was wrong.

Since agreeing that humans don't need a religious dogma to tell them what's right and wrong, they were in a quandary as to who's right and wrong was right.

Bob Long, a Left-Leaning pillar of the community argued that his right was the right right and his wrong was the right wrong. Jennifer Knight, a Right-Leaning member of an area Atheist fraternity argued that Long's right was wrong and her right was right while Long's wrong was wrong and her wrong was right since the right was better positioned to know.

It wasn't until a local communist, Han Wong, joined the argument that the hall began to implode into its own gravitational well. Wong's argument was that Long's wrong and Knight's right were as wrong as Wong's wrong was right. Long's right, according to Wong, was wrong and Knight's wrong, according to Wong was right in as far as the right wrong was wrong for Knight except that Wong's wrong was a wrong that was right to Knight. According to Knight, both Wong and Long were wrong but would be right if their wrong was right just as her right was not wrong. Wong disagreed and Long agreed the Wong was right to say Knight was wrong.

Area police have cordoned off the area until scientists can work out what to do with the new singularity, fearing that it could suck in the entire world.