News Archive

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Being Shocked Is a Fact of Life

An area humanist today decried the protests by local believers offended by the title of his latest book "Jesus Watches Star Trek".

When questioned about the book, Arnold Darklight said that "nobody has the right to live without being shocked" and told the photo-sensitive believers to suck it up before going on to explain that this is what freedom of speech means.

Later, in a breakout session, he carried further the discussion by saying he couldn't believe that people could hold such crazy opinions and put forward arguments for shutting such people out of the media and discouraging, through all possible means, the reading of religious materials such as The Bible or anything by C. S. Lewis.

Darklight refused to comment on any other religions, stating that he has researched them thoroughly and prefers to write about religions he has managed to avoid.

This is Penny Dollar reporting for the Progressive Humanist News.