News Archive

Sunday 28 March 2010

Star Wars is Evil?

An area humanist has today condemned the Star Wars prequels for being 'conspiratorial against the efforts of secular humanism to quash religion in the name of freedom'.

Speaking from his home via telephone, Paul Reeming said that George Lucas has irresponsibly exposed the way secular humanism is trying to control the masses by removing society's 'spiritual foundation' in the name of freedom before imposing a governance more draconian than anything seen even in the Spanish Inquisition.

He went on to say that portraying the Jedi as the good-guys will make people realise how they are being manipulated as they watch the Jedi being systematically killed to make room for 'The New Order'.

Nobody bothered asking Richard Dawkins for comment since we all know what he would say.

This is Barney-Bruce Child reporting for the Progressive Humanist News.