News Archive

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Area Humanist Denounces His Atheism

Paedophilia. A problem which is crippling the Catholic church and providing side-splitting hillarity for many atheists, or at least it was for Greg Boson, until he heard that his neighbour had been convicted of such a crime.

Brought up to reject conventional wisdom, Greg was an inventive scientist who utterly rejected all forms of hocus-pocus 'spirituality' and embraced whatever could be proved.

But, one day in February 2010 his neighbour, also a devout secularist humanist, was found guilty of storing illegal and highly questionable material on his hard disk.

Greg was dumbfounded. He and all his 'Godless Weekly' magazines had explained in great detail how all Christians are paedophiles on the grounds that some are. This, therefore, begged the logical conclusion that because his neighbour was an atheist and a paedophile, then he must be also.

He had hoped that his neighbour would have proved to be a closet Christian, but all he found were letters to the BBC asking them to stop broadcasting Songs of Praise on the grounds that it was offensive to his ears. His neighbour was 57 and he hadn't even a clue as to who Thora Herd was!

This was too much. Either he was wrong in thinking that because a small number of Catholic priests had behaved like animals then so had all Christians, or he was being fed a populist view which he too readilly accepted from the media. Either way, he was wrong.

The final straw was when he asked himself "why is paedophilia wrong anyway?". When he couldn't come up with an answer that encompased every culture and national identity, he denounced his atheism and is now looking for a deity to worship.

When asked about Greg Boson, the leader of the area Humanist Revue (Gail Hobbs) said that she didn't know anybody by the name of Boson, or even interested in finding Greg Boson particularly. When asked why his name was on the board of trustees, she said it wasn't and she could only see someone who's name was Dreg Bobson.

This Angela Crabb reporting for the Progressive Humanist News.