News Archive

Wednesday 18 August 2010

What's Worse Than A Creationist Zoo? A Christian Creationist Zoo!

Vanessa Penhall, a local member of the Secularist Society (SS), has called for the shutting down of a local zoo after it was revealed that it contains creationist material which could be accessed by children.

She said "Not only is it a creationist zoo, it’s a Christian one so children from other faiths or none are effectively being told their beliefs – or lack of them – are wrong."

When asked why it's not acceptable for Christians to say that someone's beliefs are wrong but it is Ok for her, Jews, Muslims or pretty much anyone else who isn't a Christian, she said; "there is no other social group in the world that tells people that they are wrong, only Christians. They say that if you don't believe what they believe, then your beliefs are wrong. Everybody knows that is wrong".

Although Vanessa insists that teachers are unaware of the creationist propaganda being pushed into the children's minds, a zee representative said "Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm has frequently maintained and communicated the content of our education programme and the limits of religious content in our zoo.

There are some research pages on our website and some displays at the zoo which explore the different theories of how the world came about the different arguments of evolution and creation. This is a small section of the zoo for adults to read and view if they wish.

This religious element to the zoo is simply not forced on or taught to children. Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm hosts thousands of school trips and visitors from Wales every year who all have a great time visiting our attraction"

Vanessa insists that although it is clear that there is some creationist content, the declaration is not made in the right tone of voice. She said "When they say that there is some creationist material, freedom of thought and expression demands that the words are written in a 'dripping blood' font with the theme from Beetlejuice in the background".

When asked if her attack is in any way related to false accusations of animal mistreatment which were designed to close the zoo on unfounded claims (as was found by the area authority), the soughed and called this reporter a nazi.

I'm Budd McKenzie reporting for the Progressive Humanist News.