News Archive

Saturday 21 June 2008

Intelligent Design Proved Wrong

An area scientist has today proved wrong the Intelligent Design (ID) lobbyists by creating life out of thin air in a laboratory.

"What has been done here" said Dr. Miriam Davy, a highly qualified and well respected researcher in the field, "is show that intelligence is not necessary in order to create life. Within our scientific laboratory, with sophisticated equipment and lots of test tubes with bubbling green fluids that could put hair on your chest, we've managed to show that life can exist anywhere.... as long as it has an ample supply of test tubes, bubbly green stuff and intelligent people in white coats."

Dr. Davy is now due to release a book explaining how the test tubes, bubbly green fluid and white coats evolved out of air in order to create the life that didn't need intelligence in order for it to be created (except for maybe a nudge or two from an intelligent scientist who designed the lab, but refused to confirm that the lab was designed intelligently).